1st Trimester


Hello all, I dont know where to post this so I'll do it here...while on vacation yesterday I received a call from the nurse at the hospital saying my blood work showed that I was screened high risk for Trisomy 18. She said the next step would be to do a amnio to either confirm or disprove this screening. I am 32 and this is my 2nd pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy was completely healthy but unfortunately my daughter passed away at 8 months old due to PPHN. I completely broke down when I heard this but after I got a grip I did some research on the internet and found that 11% of positive high risk actually was a true positive. The nurse made sure to reiterate that this was NOT a diagnosis but only a screening. I am still somewhat fearful. I do NOT was to do an amnio because of the risk. Has anyone else gone through this? Any ideas or suggestions?
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