1st Trimester

TTC - pelvic cramping/discomfort?

Hey ladies...

I'm not preggers (yet) but I was curious if any of you experienced pelvic pain/cramping before you found out?  I had cramping around 7dpo, and then starting having more of what I could consider pelvic discomfort/cramping (almost like a pulling sensation) 10, 11 and 12dpo, and today (13dpo) I was driving a got the craziest sharp pain from below my belly button straight through my "who-ha" (yes..I said that) that felt almost crippling.

 Thoughts?  Anyone have this experience?

I tested at 11dpo and got what I thought was a very faint line and 12dpo and 13dpo I got a BFN, so pretty safe to assume I'm not asking if I'm preggers!!!

 Just not sure what to make of this pain and discomfort....not anything I've felt before this cycle??

BFP #1 on 11/13/12 -- EDD 7/24/13 -- M/C (CP) on 11/21/12
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