1st Trimester

Including Parents in U/S?

I'm trying to figure out what to do.  My mom and I are incredibly close, and she lives about 10 mins away.  My MIL lives over 3,000 miles away.  My mom came with my husband and me to the 1st u/s at 6 weeks.  Today was the 8wk u/s, and she wasn't able to come.  We heard the heartbeat and actually saw more than just a round dot- it was amazing!  I would LOVE to share that with my mom.  Honestly, if my MIL lived in the area, I'd invite her, too.  My husband doesn't want my mom to come with to the u/s because he says it's not fair to his mom since she can't come because she lives to far away.  I'd give anything for my mom to be able to hear the heartbeat and all that stuff.  I'm so desperate I even suggested inviting my MIL to come visit for a few days for the November u/s just so he'll be okay with my mom coming.  He expressed some interest, but we'd have to find a place for her to stay (hotels aren't an option with her, we have no extra beds, and my parents really don't like her).  Any advice on how to deal with this?  Do I need to just suck it up and show my mom the pix?  Should I force the issue?  Is there a way to persuade him?
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