1st Trimester

Watching Teen Mom on MTV...

And I'm bawling my eyes out! I just watched the episode where Tyler and Catelynn graduated from High School! I'm so proud of them!!!

I'm a Teen Mom-to-be. Whenever my little boy/girl is born, I'll still be 19 years old. Whenever I watch Teen Mom I can really relate and see a glimpse of what life may be like after I do have the baby. I know it is going to be stressful, but I promise myself and my child that I will be the best mom ever!

I'm proud of myself for graduating from HS with Principal's Honor Roll, finishing Beauty School and making a life for myself before the baby gets here! My little one is my biggest motivation right now and will be for the rest of my life!

My baby will be born in March (DD March15th, 2013) so we get to experience his/her first Easter. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. I am very excited to go through this journey with a supportive family and BF standing by my side.

I also find it cool that whenever me and my BF do decide to get married, our little one can walk down the aisle as either a Ring Bearer or Flower Girl! He/She can be a part of our big day!

It's so exciting to think about.

Anyway, I'll be getting off here now.

Just had to throw some of my optimistic thoughts and feelings out there.

Today, I'm so happy! 


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