1st Trimester

Miscarriage @ 9 wks

I will be leaving the website as I found out last Wednesday that I had a fetal demise.  The doctors do not know when the baby stopped growing but when we had an ultrasound, there was no heartbeat.  Since I didn't hear the heartbeat, I didn't think anything of there being something wrong with the baby.  When she came in to tell me, I was devastated.  I still am. 

I feel as though the loss was my fault since I have so many health issues.  At times I have nothing to say and other times, I just feel like screaming.  I'm numb nonetheless.  I miss being pregnant. 

I didn't want to make any of you all down but I am not feeling my best right now and just needed to vent.  Please do not take being pregnant for granted.  Maybe one day for me, I will become pregnant again.  I'm just praying for strength to move forward hour by hour.

Blessings to you all

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