1st Trimester

Frustrations- Need to vent- Long

I am just so frustrated right now with EVERY FREAKIN THING. Now, I know some of this is probably just hormones, but I just need to get it off my chest.

For one, I am extremely excited about my first baby! The frustrating thing is that my boyfriend is not as excited, I am guessing it is because this is his second child- but I want to share the excitement with the man that I love. Sure, he gets excited at times but with some things (names in particular) he just seems to not care. Am I being stupid?

Next, I am feeling extra unattractive right now. BF and I both are  frustrated about the low sex drive (he says almost nonexistant) but when I try to be sexy, he seems uninterested and then gets mad when I get upset (so emotions ARE taking over a little- this is not usually something that makes me cry. After this, I still came to him to have sex anyways (even though I am not completely in the mood) and he is leaving to go to the store. CANT THAT WAIT? I know this is prob whiny and I am over-reacting but that hurt my feelings, especially when he is complaining to me about the decrease in sex and saying hurtful things like "I don't know if I wanna have another kid if I have to deal with this- women are supposed to get hornier when they get pregnant" Well you know what, I am NOT one of those lucky women.

Then, my insurance is freaking stupid. I am covered under my dad still and was assured that everything would be covered. Well, this everthing does NOT include the ER visit I made when I though I lost the baby with bleeding and cramping. Apparently, dependants arent covered when they go to the ER? Makes NO sense to me. So that is a 4,00 dollar bill I cannot afford- who knows what else they will not really cover.

I am tired of being tired ALL the time and the nausea and dizzyness is getting to me, as are the worsening asthma, eczema, and acne. I swear my dog is trying to kill the baby. She lays with me and jabs my stomach with her elbow EVERY TIME, and she has been acting worse and worse lately.

Lastly, I cannot stand people who CANT FREAKING DRIVE. I know this is my hormones, but I literally made boyfriend drive the other day because I really wanted to ram the dumb@$$ people around me.

Sorry, I know that was long, but I had to get it out before I exploded. On a better note, I am excited for my appt on Sept 7!

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