1st Trimester

Low progesterone and slow rising hcg! Worries!

I thought I was having a miscarriage over the weekend... Hcg friday was 2080. On Sunday it was 2287 and progesterone was 4.1 so things didn't look good. Went in for an ultra sound today and discovered a heartbeat! Also found I was 5 weeks 5 days.
I was having spotting that started out really not bad, but it's been about a week now of spotting and it just gets a little worse each day, but I had a pelvic exam on Friday and then ultrasound today. I'm also now having some mild cramping but nothing too major.
Anyone else have similar issues? Any successes? I was thrown for a major loop today I was not expecting any good news! Any advice is welcome, it's been an emotional roller coaster!
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