1st Trimester

Question for second time Moms.

I am feeling super guilty. I just don't feel near as attached to this baby as I did right away with my son. As soon as I found out I was pregnant with DS I felt overwhelming love and attachment. I know I will love this baby and be so happy when I meet him or her, but I am just not feeling as strong. I also feel sad that it won't just be me and my DH and DS. I am worried about how DS will react because he gets jealous easily. I just don't know how it is even possible to love another child as much as I do my son. I know it will happen but right now it is so hard to wrap my head around. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited about being pregnant, and appreciative that I am blessed to be pregnant, but I am hating these feelings I am having. I think my hormones are out of control. Am I horrible and crazy or does anyone else have feelings like this? Thanks for listening...
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