1st Trimester

First time on this board in three years...

Hi ladies! 

I usually post on the toddler boards since my DS turned two in May. However, I guess I'll be checking in here more often, as I got a BFP this morning!  It honestly seems so surreal and I can't believe how much I have forgotten in three years. I got my Mirena removed in May but this was our first month trying...I thought we were a lost cause because my husband was working crazy hours and we never saw each other, but as I found out with my DS, once is all it takes! 

I am really excited but also really nervous. I'm afraid of things like dealing with exhaustion and morning sickness while also dealing with a toddler, and I'm sad for all the changes we are going to have to put DS through when he suddenly has a sibling in the picture.  I know I'll be coming to you ladies for advice as we go through it all.

It's way, way too early to tell anyone IRL, so I'm glad I could come here to tell someone!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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