1st Trimester

9 weeks and can only see a yolk sac???

I excitedly went to my first ultrasound last week ( should have been 8 weeks along) and the only thing the dr could see was the gestational sac.  He wanted me to come in for another ultrasound in a week and see if there was anything. If nothing had improved it will not be a viable pregnancy. So, went today one week later being 9 weeks are we saw the gestional sac AND a yolk sac!!! Thinking in my mind what a huge relief, progress! Dr spoke with me and basically said there wasn't really anything there for being this far along and wanted me to get blood work done today. Once she got the results she would call if the levels were not Evan high enough  to be pregnant. ( I'm thinking how is that Evan possible if I know have a yolk sac a week later!). No word from the dr today so assuming start levels are okay, go back in mondayvfor the 2 round of blood testing.  Has anyone else heard of such a slow growing baby?? I know at 9 weeks I should be seeing a little baby in the ultrasound,and I'm only at the yolk sac stage...so confused and feel like im just getting shuffled around with these doctors like they don't know how to handle it. Help and advise would be lovely! 
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