1st Trimester

Did anyone else blab early?

Hey! This is my first time being pregnant and I'm sooo excited! I just found out Saturday. At first, DH and I were only telling close family and friends, but now, pretty much everyone knows and it's on facebook. I know we're not supposed to tell, just in case of complications since I'm only 6 weeks, but I can't help it! I'm so excited that I'm pregnant! I'm just wondering if anyone else couldn't hold it in any longer? Hoping for some sympathy I guess, lol!
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Not TTC BFP#1- 08/18/2012. Missed M/C U/S- 09/13/2012. D/C- 09/28/12. WTT (waiting to try) until after I graduate with my masters
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