1st Trimester

Its never good news :(

I went in for a beta today I had one a week ago and it was 246 and todays was only 384. So pretty sure its ectopic. These past 6 weeks have gone from joyous to a nightmare. 
BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker TTC since June 2009 Nov. 2009: Lap, diagnosed mild endo April 2010: SA, 4% morph Aug 2010: IUI #1: BFN, Sept 2010:IUI #2: BFN, Oct 2010: IUI #3: BFN, Nov 2010: IUI #4: BFN, Dec 2010: IUI #5: BFN, March 2012: IVF w/ ICSI #1: BFN, May 2012: IVF w/ ICSI #2: Beta#1:19, Beta#2:9 ,chemical pregnancy, July 2012: FET: 2 4BB Embryos 5DT: 8/2 HPT: BFP, Beta 8/13: 80
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