1st Trimester

Is anyone else having IN-LAW problems?

My in-laws are the most selfish, rudest, two-faced people I have ever met. My story:

Me and my boyfriend Travis have been together for a little over 3 years now. I'm 19 and he is 20. Whenever I thought I was pregnant his dad Eric and step-mom Candi went out and bought me 2 tests to take. Well, it came back + (obviously lol). We live with his parents, have been since I turned 18 last year. I have been on and off with finding a job, but I am a full-time student at a Beauty School. They are always on me to find a job, they're tired of being nice, BLAH BLAH BLAH! I understand it's there house, they want whats best for and the baby, etc. but they go about it in the wrong way. My boyfriend CONSTANTLY gets cursed out by his dad about me not having a job. But, I do go to school EVERYDAY so I will have a good career for when the baby is born. His step-mom is very sneaky. She will not say ANYTHING to your face, but text you from the next room. She leaves notes ALL over the house for stuff that I "need" to do. She is always texting me asking me, "where are you?" "what are you doing?" is that what you're really doing?" UGH!! His parents NEVER ask, "How was your day?" "How are you doing?" NOTHING! It's always negative B.S.! Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment to hear the babies heartbeat, see a sonogram, etc. Did I once get a message, a cal, or have them come up to me and ask me how everything went? HELL NO! I am tired of them! I understand where they are coming from, but they are going about it in a very wrong way. Threatening to kick me out... Being two-faced... When I first told them about the baby they said "You can stay here and we will help you guys out!" Now, they're being assholes!!!

Is anyone going through the same thing? Or has anyone gone through this??? Please help. Need advice! And if you want, you can share your own story too!! THANKS! 

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