1st Trimester

just need to vent

So im about 6 weeks I think and my first doc appt is Thursday, so we are waiting to tell anyone until at least after then. So right now I have no one to talk to about what i'm dealing with. I had some skin cells removed from my back on Tuesday, they gave me stitiches and they hurt so so bad. I can't lift anything heavier than 5 lbs for 2 weeks and can't reach up! I also have a super awesome case of bronchitis, which the old doc says there's nothing he can give me to help, I basically have to ride it out. Ugh I've been sitting at home being miserable with no one to talk to. I really hope this isnt setting the tone for this pregnancy. Im not the kind of person who gets sick easily. Thanks for listening to my rant I just needed to tell someone!
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