1st Trimester

Finding it hard just to walk

Hello Ladies,

So during my first prenatal appointment, my doctor said that I should take up a walking plan. Sounds easy enough, except that it hurts to breathe when I walk. I'll be honest, I'm not the most active person in the world to say the least lol, but I work at a restaurant where I am constantly going up and down several flights of stairs for several hours (about 5-7 hours for a regular shift, 4x a week). Our dining area is on the 3rd floor, our bar (and subsequently all of the drinks for our guests) is on the 1st floor, and our kitchen is on the 2nd floor. While working I don't even notice any difficulties, but while trying to do these 15-20 minute walks, I just always feel so out of breath.  Does this happen to any of you ladies? I just hit 11 weeks today, so I am almost out of the first trimester. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.

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