1st Trimester

Want to blog for TheBump.com?

Calling all moms, moms-to-be, and TTC-ers,


Do you have a blog on the subject of parenting, pregnancy or trying to get pregnant? If so, are you interested in blogging for TheBump.com?


We?re looking to feature a few guest bloggers (preferably some already have active blogs) to write 1-2 articles a week for The Bump?s blog (blog.thebump.com). Referral links to your blog will be included in all of your posts and we?ll promote your blog on our social media platforms.


If you?re interested in more details, please emailcommunity@thebump.com ASAP with the following information:


-Your name

-Your Bump username

-A link to your blog


**If you blog under your IRL name and want to keep your Bump identity private, we can either feature your pieces under your IRL name OR your Bump username?whichever you prefer.


Thank you!   

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