1st Trimester

Intro & Progesterone levels... anyone else?

Hi ladies!

I'm very happy to be joining you here in the first tri!  And a huge congrats to you ALL on your little seedlings too!

My name is Mandi... "BothMRS" is because DH and I have the same initials... incase you're curious... I always am of other's usernames.  :)

You can see from my sig that we tried to get pregnant for over a year, then found out while DH was great... they even told me he had "Grade A" sperm... (side note: he still refers to himself as "A+" -- so I remind him no one said anything about a plus!  lol)... I was not.  I had a tumor in my uterus (no cancer, thank God) and some other messy stuff going on... so all was fixed in April of this year... and once we started TTC again in June, two months later... BFP happened!  I seriously about fell off the toilet when I looked over and saw "pregnant"!  I just wasn't feeling right, so I went ahead and POAS for like the 80th time... and there it was!  Crazy!

Anyway... all seems to be well... and I def have the symptoms... nausea with some fabulous sickness after eating most meals, sore boobs, heartburn, uncomfortable sleeping, peeing more than usual, yada yada... But i hear these are all good signs to have... so I'm just going to enjoy them.  BUT... I had my betas checked around 20 dpo and they were at 878, and then again around 24 dpo (I stopped tracking my ovulation because I was tired of it... so I'm not sure exactly which day I o'd now... dumb me) and they jumped to 4,772... which is great... But my progesterone decreased from 8.1 to 6.6 in that time... so the nurse called me yesterday with the news (and told me not to lose sleep over this... yeah right!) and put me on 200mg of Prometrium... once a night, vaginally.  I'll be getting my betas checked again on Monday... in hopes that the progesterone rises... and I'm also to stay on the meds until I'm 13 weeks.

So... Please tell me... have any of you experienced this before as well?  My biggest fear is of course a mc!  I guess it's good that they caught this just before I was 5 weeks and got me on the meds to help, right?  TIA for easing my mind :)  And again... Nice to meet you all!



Started TTC #1 in March, 2011. Surgery to remove tumor in uterus and ovarian cysts on April 13th, 2012. Started TTC again in June. First BFP on August 12th, 2012! Betas on 8-16-12: 878 Progesterone: 8.1 Betas on 8-20-12: 4,772 Progesterone: 6.6 (Put on Prometrium until 13 weeks) BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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