1st Trimester

omg, does it get any crazier?!

I had posted last night in response to a post that I was miscarrying, as I thought I was. I was cramping and heavily bleeding all of yesterday and this morning. When the pain got worse I went in for an ultrasound so I could get an rx for some kind of pain relief. The ultrasound showed a perfectly normal looking pregnancy, still in tact, and it had grown appropriately since the week before. They have no idea why I'm bleeding as I am, but told me that sometimes things aren't text book and to just wait it out. They said I may have been carrying twins and have lost only one. We'll probably never know. They are checking my blood type which can sometimes play a role in bleeding. As of now, they said the ultrasound looks perfectly normal.

Talk about a ROLLER COASTER of emotions!!


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