1st Trimester

Change in morning sickness symptoms

Morning all, 

I'm 7.5 weeks and this morning my morning sickness symptoms suddenly changed. Up until now, I've had almost constant nausea, but I knew if I was about to start puking, so I had a couple seconds to get to the bathroom. It's been 2-3 times a day for the last 3 weeks or so, which is manageable.

 For whatever reason, this morning there has been no warning. Zip. Just out of the blue, I'm puking. I'm not nauseous and I feel just fine (when I'm not actively puking,) It also seems to be more frequent this morning-- 3 times in just under 2 hours. 

This is my first pregnancy, so I'm still trying to figure out what's normal and what's not. Should I be concerned or is this part of the ride?  



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