1st Trimester


My 39 pound dog stepped on my lower stomach and now im paraniod he couldve messed something up. I called the doc and they said just to watch for bleeding and cramping. Well ive been having cramping ongoing these past few weeks so i cant tell if thats new. Im just paranoid after going through everything to get here its going to be taken away!!!argh

BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker TTC since June 2009 Nov. 2009: Lap, diagnosed mild endo April 2010: SA, 4% morph Aug 2010: IUI #1: BFN, Sept 2010:IUI #2: BFN, Oct 2010: IUI #3: BFN, Nov 2010: IUI #4: BFN, Dec 2010: IUI #5: BFN, March 2012: IVF w/ ICSI #1: BFN, May 2012: IVF w/ ICSI #2: Beta#1:19, Beta#2:9 ,chemical pregnancy, July 2012: FET: 2 4BB Embryos 5DT: 8/2 HPT: BFP, Beta 8/13: 80
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