1st Trimester

Second opinion - via the public.

I want some second opinions from the ladies on the board here.

I received some less than hopeful news earlier this week, so of course I've been frantically worried with every little thing my body does. What I've noticed this week though, is that my symptoms are what I believe are normal, healthy pregger, symptoms and I'd like some outside opinion. 

The background:

Gestational sac on ultrasound. bhcg was 4800 and only went up by 36 points in 48 hours (thus the nurse's lack of enthusiasm). This news came on thursday. Today is saturday.

What I've been experiencing (all legit, no exaggerations):


Sore breasts 



A soreness/stretching in my lower abdomen area

a brown discharge comes and goes (when I called my nurse she said it was implantation bleeding, no worries)

odor sensitivity


I return wednesday for a repeat ultrasound and more bloodwork. They're guessing I am 5 or 6 weeks or so.

I'd just like some honest input so I go in with a clear, zen like mind and not the pit of doom in my stomach they delivered earlier in the week.

Thanks ladies! 





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