1st Trimester

I am hiding from my dog...

My dog picked up on the fact that I was pregnant from day one. He's been so attentive, following me around the house, staying by my side on the stairs, laying by my feet...by the bathroom door....by the shower....  

 It's awfully adorable.

 Problem is, he's a 115lb. Yellow Lab with a serious gas issue and legendary dog breath. And I've got morning-noon-and night sickness. Wherever I go, he goes; and wherever he goes, a great cloud of stink goes.  And wherever his stink goes, I gag. And when I gag, he gets VERY concerned and becomes even more clingy! It's a vicious, smelly cycle!!

 I've gotten to the point that I have to hide in the bathroom when it gets too bad (and of course, he lays right by the door).  I love my baby boy so much, but this is getting ridiculous!

Anyone else have an uber-clingy pooch? How can I help him back off without hurting his feelings? 

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