1st Trimester

Excuses for NOT drinking?

Hey everyone! I'm in my 20's and EVERYONE around me drinks. People will def. notice if I abstain (I also work in a winery, it's expected!). I need some believable excuses... I am only 5w3d and have a big mouth and somewhat of a bad liar, so I've already told plenty of people, I just don't want to tell everyone. I've tried "I'm on antibiotics" and "I recently had a migraine" anything else you've used?

Ps. I swear I am not an alcoholic it's just my surroundings!

TTC since 5/1/12
Mc 7/10/12 @ 5w2d
BFP 8/11/12 EDD 4/16/13 DH's Bday!
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