1st Trimester

No heartbeat @ 6 week u/s...this is okay, right?

I had a miscarriage in June, so my doctor's office allowed me to come in for an early ultrasound this morning.  I am 6 weeks on the dot.  Last week they did my HCG #s, but stopped taking them because they looked good.  Monday: 127, Tuesday 355,  Friday 892...

There was a sac.  The end.  Once he said he didn't see a heartbeat, I kinda tuned him out so that I could avoid tears.  I think he said there was a shadow that he saw that could have been a fetal pole, but he wasn't sure.

I thought it was too early to see a heartbeat so I wasn't freaking out initially, but my doctor didn't seem too optimistic.  He said "it isn't good, but it isn't bad."   But they made me cancel my nurse visit (paperwork and crap) for next week, until they are able to tell if this is a viable pregnancy (ouch).

With my son, I had an u/s at 6w6d and we saw the flicker of a hb.  I know a lot can change in 6 days at this point though.   

I would be more scared if I didn't feel so horrible!  Could I really be so sick without a growing baby inside?  I would think all the symptoms would have gone away if things weren't progressing.  

He scheduled another u/s for next Friday.  I will take some t&p, crossed fingers, or personal stories (good and bad).  

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