1st Trimester

Could I be? Could really use some advice.

Hello all,

I could use a bit of help. I have been having several symptoms, and I need help sorting them out.  My Bf and I had sex 8/9,10,12 and according to my iPeriod app I was due to ovulate 7th-12th. By the 11th I had slight nausea and headache, and as the days have gone on more and more things have been added. I have had back and hip pain, I've thrown up a few times, moody, emotional, irritable, loss of appetite due to nausea, lose stool and no regular movements. On the 13th I started cramping, the 15th I was spotting. The cramping hasn't been consistent with my period. I have cramps, but they just ache with no squeezing feeling. Sometimes they are sharp and only in one spot sometimes it radiates through my lower abdomen, and there are times it feels like someone has a hold of it and is stretching it over my belly button, pushing it out form the inside and inflating a balloon. I know it's a lot, but I am just not convinced that I am prego or if this is some REALLY intense PMS. So any help or thoughts or encouragement would be nice. I'm not due for my period until 8/26, but I'm 85% sure I won't get it.

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