1st Trimester

Did you tell your H first?

Hi all. I'm not sure if I belong here yet. I got a faint pink line on my Wanfu this morning. Unfortunately, I POAS, not PIAC, so I got a BFN on my EPT with non-FMU.

All that to say - I'm going out of town right after work today, and won't see DH until Monday. I'll be with a couple girlfriends who fully expect me to drink. They'll know for sure if I test tomorrow morning, get another pink line, and stop drinking for the rest of the weekend.

Was your H the first person you told? I like the idea of doing something cute to tell him when I return (on my birthday!), if it does turn out that I'm pregnant. Part of me feels guilty that my girlfriends will know before him, but I just don't know how I'd hide it. Would love your input. TIA. 

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