1st Trimester

BFP :) Coming from TTGP board

Hello everyone!

I am so excited to be here! I am coming over from the TTGP board. This is my husband and I's second child and we are thrilled to be pregnant! Here is my little story of how I found out (quoted from my BFP post on TTGP):

Well I was honestly not expecting a BFP especially because I had 3 BFNs before this, at 10DPO, 12DPO and 15DPO. AF was supposed to arrive this past monday and didn't so I waited a few days and tested today, 18DPO, and got a faint line! I was so shocked that I tested again 3 hours later and I got the same faint line! I'd like to add that I tested again this AM and got another positive! Well, based on my last period, my Estimated Due Date is April 20, 2013 :) I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here on first tri, now excuse me while I go make my new ticker! :) 


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