1st Trimester

Hoping to join you ladies

I got my BFP yesterday morning :-) Because of three first trimester losses, my first call was to my OB. I went straight in for a Beta test, as well as to pick up a prescription for progesterone. I returned today for a second test, and the numbers have doubled. I'm set to return next week for another test.

I'm waiting until we get an ultrasound with a HB to get my hopes up. All losses were of empty sacs. After the last loss, loads of tests were run with no clear indication of why. Not the most comforting, but the plan of attack is progesterone with low-dose aspirin. That and loads of prayers. I wanted to introduce myself with the hopes of joining you for the full journey. Other info...I'm a SAHM to a 2  1/2 year-old little girl who is an answered prayer. Best wishes to all :-) 


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