1st Trimester

u/s at 23 dpo


I thought it would be better to ask you girls.  Tomorrow I have my first u/s, which will be 23 dpo.  My RE likes to do them after 21 dpo to check progress.  I know I shouldn't expect them to see much of anything except a blip on the screen, but I'm wondering if any of you have had one this early (like 5 ish weeks and 2ish days along) and what your doc was able to find.

Yes, yes, everyone is different.  Just want to know your experience.  I'm really nervous there will be nothing there.  Good ol' google tells me at 5 weeks they can see a heartbeat, sac and yolk sac.  But google has screwed me before.

Thanks =)

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18 months of timed sex, checking cm, 5 of those months on clomid and progesterone, thousands of OPK, hundreds of HPT, an STP, countless dildo cam u/s and pct later, we have a baby in there! due date 4/18/13
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