1st Trimester

Hopefully I'm not the only one...

hi everyone

i am a first time pregnant lady and since my hubby and i have decided not to share outside of immediate family (and since mom and mom-in-law had babies over 30 yrs ago) i don't really have anyone i feel like i can talk to. that being said i feel like i am becoming paranoid over everything!!!

i'm thrilled about becoming a mom but i feel like everywhere i turn people say 'don't eat that', 'don't do this', 'be sure to do that' etc, etc etc. i want to enjoy this pregnancy and hopefully have a healthy baby but i'm just so freaking terrified of doing something wrong right now that i'm not even able to get too excited. i read all these stories about m/c and i worry every day 'should i not have lifted that big box?', 'can i eat this sandwich for lunch?', 'is that a cramp/pain?'. 

i know i need to calm down but i just have these thoughts running through my head all day and since there really is no outlet now for anyone to give me advice i just end up stressing my hubby out.

thanks for letting me vent, i just wanted to share and hopefully i'm not alone out there. i mean i like having the internet and tons of information but it some ways i wish i didn't know everything then i'd be blissfully unaware








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