1st Trimester

body changes at 6 weeks?!

I am 6w3d and my DH wanted to wait to tell his parents until at least after the first doc appt, if not after 3 months. This morning I was over at my in laws, it was just me and my MIL in the kitchen, and as I'm bent over the dishwasher she just flat out says are you pregnant? After playing dumb on my part, she says shes noticed my butt and hips are looking wider, my face is rounder, under my eyes are darker and ive gained a little weight. Mind you, we just got married exaclty 2 months ago and have only worked out maybe 3 times since then. I got super skinny for the wedding, so was enjoying not having to worry about it and planned on putting back on maybe 5 pounds. So I am just baffled how she can see a difference in me when Im only 6 weeks and only gained about 3 or 4 pounds in the last 2 months! Could this be true or mothers intuition?
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