1st Trimester

I feel, like an idiot.

First ultrasound today.

All that was there was a sack. Conclusion... I'm about 4-5 weeks along.

I thought I was 8 - 10. I thought I was feeling things, and looking "pregnanter"

I just feel like a moron.

 I had bloodwork done and they will cross check hormone levels on thursday to confirm everything is okay. No red flags today, I'm just super early in the pregnancy. I now understand the importance of tracking your period. Just a strange day. I'm excited, worried, and uncertain all at the same time.

I also want to know why in the last week I've begun to look like a cow. I'm tiny, and generally around 100 lbs or so... I've gained 9 lbs eating vegetables, fruit, granola and grains. [vegetarian proteins as well]

What. a. day.



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