1st Trimester

Weird MIL and Mom response

I may be a little too sensitive, but I was really surprised by my mom and my MIL's response to my announcement. I have an almost 2 year old son, before he was born I was about 10 lbs overweight, nothing crazy but a little chubby. About a year after he was born I was still carrying an extra 20 lbs and decided it was time to get serious about exercise and eating right and got down to my ideal weight after about 3 months of working out.


So, when I told my MIL and mom about the new little baby they both said "but you worked so hard to get your body back". Eventually I think my mom realized this wasn't really an appropriate response and congratulated me, but my MIL never did, just said she thought we would wait longer for our second. WTH? It makes me feel like they don't think I can do it again, or like how I look is more important than this new life. It's a weird response right?  

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