1st Trimester

Gah! I hate my dr.'s office! (I've calmed down :) )

So long story short, it has taken us 14 months to finally get our first BFP.  I am just over 7 weeks now and have my first Appt on Monday which will put me just over 8 weeks.  Well I have been having all the symptoms.....except today=NOTHING!  I know symptoms can come and go and I know some women have none at all.  I just really feel like soemthing is wrong.  My BB are not sore at all today and they have been like crazy since I foudn out.

Well I called my doctor to see if I would have an u/s on Monday and I explained that I'm very worried.  A nurse just left me a message and says "no we usually dont do one at your first appt."  Ah I wanted to slap her. lol  What should I do?  Hold out until monday and explain things then?  Its just I have cried twice today I know something is wrong, I just have a strong feeling......WWYD? Thanks for listening to my rant and just in my defense.  it seems like most people are getting thier first ultrasounds around 8 weeks (ish) which is where I would be by my appt.



UPDATE: In response to all of the opinions below...you guys are totally right. Im being a little rediculous.  Thank you I just needed to hear it, including the honest truth.  SO THANK YOU for responsding to my craziness.  I appreciate it and you are right...  Thanks again  (Sits down and continues to try and be patient :)

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