1st Trimester

Am I being unreasonable? (My mother & Doctor saga!)

According to my mother I am being unreasonable. So, I want some outside opinions. I always start my posts by saying, this is a first time for me. So maybe I am a little over reactive. lol

Here's the story. My LMP was somewhere in between 6/4/12-06/12/12 in that gap, so there may just be a week or so off in my due date, but regardless I am somewhere around 8-9-10 weeks. As soon as I found out I called my doc, who doesnt see patients on her own anymore, she joined a group practice and had to accept me as a new patient there. That took a couple weeks, and I finally had to call to find out if I was accepted. In the mean time I started spotting. When I called to find out if I was accepted I asked the receptionist what I should do if I had any truobles, her only response was... "go to your nearest ER". So she pretty much cut me off and was done with the conversation. So I comforted myself with the fact that a lot of people spot early on and all the good stuff, until one morning, I saw a streak of bright red and had a panic attack. I called my doc at her GYN office and said I was bleeding. She seen me there within an hour and sent me for beta's, and a blood type. Which I did on Friday, and then again on Monday. I didnt hear back until wednesday that my levels were going up normally and the I was RH- and that I needed to go the hospital right away to get a Rhogam injection! So ofcourse, I panic, get to the hospital and ofcourse, they have no order. I had to throw a hissy fit to get them to call her to give them a verbal order. So, then everyone at the hospital is treating me as if I have had a miscarriage which made me even more unhappy. I get the shot, and have not heard a peep from my doc since then. 

So, rewind back to the girl at the actual OB part of the office, she schedules my first appt for September 11th, at which she told me they dont do anything but have you pee in a cup, and come back in a week for a US.

Second half of my saga: I just started a new job. My benefits do not kick in until September 1st. I am not allowed to request time off until September 1st. I feel like I am just swinging in the wind, not knowing if my baby is alive, or healthy, or has a heartbeat, or...? So I started researching other providers in a 50 mile radius of me that have evening hours. I found one about 30 miles away that I could see after work sooner then Sept 11th. I am willing to pay self pay to know my baby is okay, and growing normally.

My mother says I am being unreasonable... that she did not even know she was pregnant until she was six months, and that because I found out so early I am being nutty.

So, do I wait until Sept 11th and then a week later for the US? Or... Do I call the OB that I found that has evening hours thats about a half hour away. My thought is... even if this doc does not deliver my baby, atleast I could see her once and ease my fears, until my benefits kick in and I am allowed to ask for time off?

What would YOU do?

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