1st Trimester

Am I having a m/c?

I realize most of you are not medical doctors, however I guess I am writing this post in the hopes of gaining some reassurance/piece of mind in either direction.  I am around 7 wks preg with my 2nd child right now.  My first appt. is scheduled for next week.  I started having some brown spotting over the weekend which progressed to more like a light period (with brown blood) and cramping yesterday. Today I started full-on bleeding, although it was never heavy on a pad/pantyliner (just came out a lot while using the restroom).  Cramping has not gotten bad- just an annoyance (I gave it a 3/10 on a pain scale).  Mind you, at this point, I'd had my betas checked 5 times, with Saturday being the most recent as of this morning.  Consistently going up.  So I called my dr. today to ask about the bleeding/cramping, and she sent me to the hospital for more bloodwork and an ultrasound.  She said that my hcg level had still risen since Saturday, and that the ultrasound showed the yolk and yolk sac, all of which are good news- however she doens't know why I'm bleeding.  I go back for another ultrasound on Wednesday, but I'm a nervous wreck in the meantime.  Anyone go through something similar? 
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