1st Trimester

I go from no appetite to fainting with hunger....

...not literally, but it feels like it!! and my MS hasn't even really kicked in yet....

Even though I am trying to maintain eating small snacks every two hours, there is sometimes a super hunger force takes over me, and I feel like I will be sick if I dont eat...It doesnt feel like a MS feeling, just a "omg, I feel like I havent eaten in 24 hours and I will faint from starvation before I make it to the fridge."

And, as a side note, my favorite wheat bread with honey, to me is starting to smell like paint :-( Im sure its just the increase of the senses, but I love my bread and its making me gag....


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"Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream." ~ From Juno

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