1st Trimester

Need to vent on someone's reaction

Told my brother and SIL today and didn't get a good reaction from her. She's like...are you ready for this?  It's going to change your life. 


Really?  Why would you ask someone under 35 this question??!!!  She had her first at 31 and 4 kids later...did I ask her that?  Nope!  She also added that we shouldn't buy nice things because they'll just ruin it.


Well guess what SIL I'm not you and won't let my kids ruin my house.  She said congrats, but wasn't very excited.  Im thinking that she's jealous that her kids won't be the only grand kids and center of attention.  It's just messed up and needed to vent.


For her being 41 I expected a different reaction.  Anyone else have an experience like this?

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