1st Trimester

DH is frustrated with me...

...and now I'm feeling guilty over something I can't control. 

I am feeling nauseous a lot of the time even though I'm taking zofran. I am also having major food aversion. Not many things are appealing to me right now. and sometimes something will sound really good and 5 minutes later it's gross. 

DH does most of the cooking and I am picky when I'm not pregnant so I know it is difficult for him to come up with things to eat even more now that I'm pregnant.

so tonight he asked if i wanted mushroom ravioli and i said yes. mushroom rav's are the ONLY rav's i will eat because I dont like ricotta cheese at all and the ones he buys have hardly any cheese, just mushrooms.

well he bought a different kind this time. I tried i really did, but they had so much cheese in them they just made me gag. so then he was all pissed off and had to go out to get me something because we had nothing else expect frozen meats. and that was the 2nd time today that i couldnt eat what he made. i can't help it if i cant stomach something. but i get that he is frustrated - i just don't know what else to do.  

so he gets obviously annoyed and then i feel bad and guilty and get upset and then we fight. UGH! advice?? 

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