1st Trimester

Tough situation-telling your news to someone struggling TTC

A relative of mine babysits our 2 year old during the week-we pay her for the child care. She has 2 older children but has been TTC a third for the past year and a half. She has told me how hard it has been and how finding out someone is pregnant ruins her day. So naturally I've been dreading telling her that I'm pregnant. We've known for 4 weeks and have told a few close family and friends. I decided to e-mail her with the news last night because I didn't want her to somehow find out through the grapevine. I chose e-mail because I didn't want her to have to try to mask her reaction in front of me. I told her I was sorry for everything they'd been going through and knew it was hard for her to hear this. What else could I do?

Sometimes I get tired of feeling guilty about this. It's not like it was a malicious act. And I think it would be a bit different if they didn't have any kids at all. Basically it was a no win situation for me. I've tried to be as compassionate as I can. She hasn't e-mailed me back, she may not. Anyway, just needed to vent about the situation, it's been stressful. In a perfect world baby news would only be met with happiness but that's not reality.

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