1st Trimester

XP from March: Any Miralax Users?

Did your dr say it's okay to take?  Have you used it in past pregnancies with no issues?  I have a call in with the dr to ask about it.  I've tried everything on the "safe" list and am still miserable with constipation.  Miralax works like a charm every other time I've used it.  I asked the dr about it one other time and she suggested trying other things, but didn't say I couldn't take it.  I obviously don't want to take anything that's not safe, but if it's okay, I'd love to give it a shot! 

I'm not sure if it's a stimulant and could potentially cause contractions- it that may be the issue?  I thought I read that it stays in your bowels and doesn't affect your blood stream, so that would mean it wouldn't affect baby, right?  Any insight would be appreciated!
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