1st Trimester

Pedicure Debate.. yay or nay?

Hi Ladies!

 I'm pregnant with my second and having a very unpleasant time with it! I'm getting ready to go back to school next week and usually I treat myself to a pedicure before going back since I stand on my feet all day long at school.

Here's the problem-  during my first pregnancy DH was 100% against me getting a pedicure at all due to his co-worker having one while pregnant then miscarrying. He's a bit paranoid that will happen to me. I finally convinced him to let me get one with a few weeks left in pregnancy #1, only to have our daughter arrive 4 days later via emergency c-section. (Yes, he blamed the pedi!)

So my question is, has anyone else gotten a pedicure in the first or even early second tri without any problems? My feet and ankles are a mess and would feel better after a pedi, but not at the cost of causing a complication. I know you can ask the person to not push on certain areas of the feet and ankles, which is what I did last time..

Sorry if this sounds silly, but I've go no one else to turn to until we spill the beans on this pregnancy! TIA!  

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