1st Trimester

Has anyone had pain from cysts during pregnancy?

I've never had an ovarian cyst before (to my knowledge, anyway) but I'm having some persistent pain in one spot in my lower left abdomen where I imagine my ovary is.  I called my OB's office this morning to ask about it and the nurse looked at my chart and noted that I had a corpus luteal cyst show up on my left ovary at an ultrasound I had a 7.5 weeks (no one ever mentioned this to me). 

The nurse didn't seem concerned about it, so I guess I shouldn't be either, but I've done a little googling (dangerous, I know), and I can't figure out if persistent pain is normal for a small, benign cyst.  It kind of goes away for a minute and then comes back for a few seconds, then goes away again... this has been going on since last night with no longer pain-free breaks.  The pain is not excrutiating, but it's not pleasant either.

The nurse said that if I'm still concerned about it tomorrow, to call and they will see me in the morning.  Just trying to find out if anyone else has experienced anything like this and what the outcome was.  Thanks!

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