1st Trimester

XP: 1st u/s- not ideal

I'm sure this type of thing has been discussed, but I'm sort of terrified about how my u/s went this morning and could use some advice...

According to my LMP I should be 7w3d but the baby is measuring at 6w to 6w1d, with a HB of 113.  The doctor congratulated me on the pregnancy and was very positive during the appointment.  She said my due date looks more like April 3 than March 25.  I asked if it was at all a bad sign that it's measuring so much differently- 9 days!  She said she's sure everything will be fine.  I'm going back in 2 weeks to "check for growth."  I then asked her advice about waiting to tell my parents or not and she said she would wait.  I know I should just go with my doctor's opinion that she doesn't doubt everything's ok, but I'm so worried about the dating.  It just doesn't make sense to me!

I don't remember from my first pregnancy, is going back 2 weeks from the first appt. standard, or is this b/c the baby's measuring small?

Also, if someone else wrote this I would say, "Oh you probably just ovulated late- no big deal."  But my cycles are significantly shorter than 28 days.  More like 23-25 days.  And I got my BFP on July 13th, when I was not even 4 weeks according to the original due date.  Would this mean if I'm really 9 days earlier, I would've gotten the BFP at more like 3 weeks or earlier?  It's just not adding up.  Has anyone experienced anything like this??  These next two weeks are going to be agonizing...
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP#2:7/13/12EDD:3/25/13MMC:8/24/12D&C:8/27/12 BabyFruit Ticker
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