1st Trimester

2nd U/S, amazing..

 I went for my second ultrasound yesterday.  I had one early at 5 weeks and just saw a speck.  But yesterday was amazing.  He's a little gummy bear and heartbeat was good at 131 bpm.  I never experienced this with my last pregnancy, even though I miscarried at 9 weeks.  It just made my whole week, and my husband is so excited. 

 I'm really positive that this will be a great pregnancy and in eight months we will have our baby. 

 However, I have been feeling totally crappy.  Nauseous all the time, headaches, cramps, can't sleep.  I kept telling myself that I would endure anything to have the chance to be pregnant again so I hate complaining when I feel bad.  I feel like I need to be tougher but sometimes I'm so sick of feeling sick that I just cry.  Not sharing the news with anyone but my parents and three of my siblings makes it hard too, because they understand if I'm feeling bad but I can't explain it to anyone else.

 I'm looking forward to my first prenatal appointment on Aug. 22.  Then I go back to work and need to make it to Sept. 14 so I can share the news with co-teachers and students.  Just super excited and happy, and ready for whatever!!! 

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