1st Trimester

At least I got some free vitamins...

So I had my "first" visit today with the OB (RNP actually, but that's who I saw for most of my first pregnancy anyway,) and it was pretty much a wash.  I came in early after some concerns after stupidly going down a large water slide on Sunday and my dr. wanted to do a consult, which involved me telling her again what happened and her doing...nothing. 

I have NO clue why they bothered having me come in, since I told them that on the phone.  They did, however, want to do an U/S just to be on the safe side, but since my dating may be off (my cycle is long so my EDD of 3/31 I am guessing will be more like 4/07) they want to wait until next week so that I will be certainly far enough along that they should see something and make sure all is A-OK.  Which is nice, I guess, because otherwise my 1st US won't be until about 19 weeks, so it's nice to get one earlier, but couldn't we have scheduled that on the phone?

 Oh well.  At least I got some sample prenatals (same type I already take), so yay for free vitamins.

Not  so much yay for a wasted appointment (and co-pay) and still having no definitive answers (other than being told everything is "probably" fine.)


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