1st Trimester

Should I take this prescribed medicine or not...?

Alright ladies,

         I have had...this blasted. ringworm. for. MONTHS. I am so over it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It comes and goes but it's basically been on my legs forever, slowly but surely spreading and spreading and spreading. I've used a MILLION topicals and they don't work so I've begged for an oral medicine that's SAFE during pregnancy and I was prescribed Diflucan by my OB who KNOWS I'm pregnant, BUT when I look online it says it's not safe.. so what do I do? Just deal with it for 6 more months then however long while I breastfeed or trust my doc and take it when there may be a risk ?

 I'm torn ! What would you do?  

Pregnancy Ticker Owner & Creator of www.GreatestKidsGames.com
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