1st Trimester

Pets acting weird

Has anyone else noticed that their pets are acting weird around them?

Our dog has been acting odd the last couple weeks.  Sleeping in our room on the hardwood floor all night, going and laying on his dog bed during the evenings when he's usually right next to me on the couch or in front of me on the floor, being pushy about trying to get me to give him treats or let him clean my plate, acting a little clumsy (i.e. missing a step when running up the stairs)and yesterday he peed in the hallway while I was in the bathroom taking a shower.  He is very, very good about holding it and had just been let out an hour or two before. 

I was thinking maybe he was sick and was really worried about him last night but I'm wondering if he's anxious or confused because he smells the change in my body chemistry!

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