1st Trimester

Seeing the h/b made me MORE nervous

Today was my first appointment, and first u/s. Somebody please talk me down from my crazy! U/s went well - saw the flickering heartbeat and the midwife said it was very reassuring.

Problem: I was estimating due date based on LMP, and originally, I suspected I may have ovulated late (I didn't get the first BFP until about 10 days after my period "should" have started, but I wasn't charting or anything). But as the weeks have passed, I've gotten pretty set on how far along I was supposed to be - 8 weeks today.

The u/s measured small, though, which made me very stressed out. The midwife said it looked closer to 6 weeks and a couple of days, and that we were lucky to see a heatbeat that early at all. I'm going to have a dating u/s in 10 days, where we'll hope to see growth. The size isn't surprising, since I suspected, but it's just not what I was expecting, and now I'm a million times more nervous. Sigh. (also, since I was so nervous, she's having me come back for another blood draw on Friday, and we'll hopefully be reassured if the HCG has doubled by then)

Where is my arm?!? Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
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