1st Trimester

Conception Question, for the pros ;)

The start date of my last period was June 30th. I got 2 positive opks in a row, July 14th and 15th. So I assumed I ovulated on or around the 16th. This is where I get confused, I had eggwhite cervical mucus on July 23rd. Some things I read said increased mucus could be a symptom of implantation, but we dtd again that day just in case... I got BFN's at 8 (jul 23rd), 11 (jul 26) , and 15 (jul 30) DPO... and finally BFP on Aug 3rd (19DPO).

Do you think the OPKs were both wrong? Could I actually Ovulated a week later? It just seemed so strange how many negatives I got,  I normally have long cycles 33-34 days. I think I am 5 weeks 2 days, but the more I go over this I can't help but think I might be a week off, and am only 4 week 2 days. I normally find answers to anything on here, but dont recall reading anyone in this situation. thanks in advance!

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